Technical Assistance Facility
Technical assistance projects are funded through the Fund’s Technical Assistance Facility, which provides grants and in-kind support additional to any equity or debt investment. The Technical Assistance Facility focuses on adding value in two major categories:

Business Improvement Services
Focused on improving investees’ financial management, operational efficiencies, corporate governance, and strategic planning, including meeting international food quality standards.

Fisheries Technical Assistance
Focused on improving fishers’ livelihoods, leading to sustainable fisheries management. Includes fisher engagement and loyalty programs, supporting existing or development of new Fishery Improvement Projects (FIP) where none exists, health and safety training, quality improvement initiatives, and more.
To contact the General Partner and to learn more about Rare’s role in the Meloy Fund, please email Niels Crone, Rare Chief Operating Officer, at ncrone@rare.org.
The Fund’s TA Facility is supported by: